Hi, my name is Chelsey Lynn and I like to play xbox with my husband.
More specifically I love to play Halo with my husband. It doesn't matter if it's campaign, firefight, or online.
What I don't like is the fact that I'm a girl gamer and it opens up the flood gates for the boy gamers to be creeps.
No, I don't want you to "teabag" me. (*stupid gamer move)
No, I don't want to play a custom game with only you.
No, I don't want to become your xbox friend.
No, I don't want to "rock your Halo game all night long."
No, I don't want to "take care of your babies."
And No, I especially don't want to be your girl.
My latest Xbox invite:
I may have been a little fed up with stupid gamers and responded kind of snarky....
That's freaking awesome!